God of the Turnaround (Demons Ruling to Demons Running)
God of the Turnaround
Demons Ruling to Demons Running
Main Text: Leviticus 14:33-53
Acts 19:18-20
Psalm 3
Ephesians 6:12
Fighting against principalities. The Greek word for principalities is archas. This word is used to
describe things in a series, such as leaders, rulers and magistrates.
A “series” of leaders or rulers would describe their rank and organization.
So the word “principalities” tells us that the Satanic kingdom is highly organized.
Second, we are told that our warfare is against powers.
The Greek word translated “powers” is exousias.
This word is translated as “authorities.”
This word tells us that the demons who are placed over various areas or territories are given
authority to carry out whatever orders have been assigned.
The Christian shouldn’t be discouraged to learn that those that we face have been given
authority, for the believer has even greater authority.
We have the authority of the name of Jesus.
Third, we learn that we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
The word in Greek for “world rulers” is kosmokratoras.
The word can be translated “lords of the world” or “princes of this age.”
This designation of the enemy emphasizes his intention to control.Satan is referred to in scripture as “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4).
Jesus declared that the strong man’s armour was taken away from him.
This means that Satan is made completely defenseless.
The expression “all his armour” is the Greek word panoplia.
This word panoplia is used one other time in the New Testament.
In Ephesians 6:11 the Christian is encoyrsged to put on the whole armour of God.
The Christian is not vulnerable at any point while the devil is vulnerable at every point!
Fourth, scripture says that we wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The key to this phrase is the word “wickedness.”
The word suggests that which is highly injurious or destructive in character.
These evil powers have only one objective — wickedness.
They may appear as angels of light and by their deceptiveness draw many into their nets of
1 Timothy 4:1
Seven Steps To Deliverance
1. Honesty - Psalm 32:5, Psalm 139:23-24
2. Humility - James 4:6-7, James 5:16a
3. Repentance - Ezekiel 20:43, Amos 3:3
4. Renunciation - Matt. 3:7-8, Acts 19:18-19
5. Forgiveness - Matt. 6:14-156. Prayer - Joel 2:32
7. Warfare - Mark 16:17a, Luke 10:19, Psalm 18:2a
Seven Steps Of Purification
1. Present Yourself To The Lord For Him To Inspect - Psalm 139:23-24
2. Sanctify Yourself
3. Locate Offensive Items - the Lord will reveal them.
4. Get Rid of Them -
5. Take What Holy Spirit Says Serious
6. Renounce The Enemy, Idols and Any Association With Such -
7. Consecrate Your Life, Home And Property To The Glory Of The Lord
Acts 19:18-20
Psalm 3
Ephesians 6:12
Fighting against principalities. The Greek word for principalities is archas. This word is used to
describe things in a series, such as leaders, rulers and magistrates.
A “series” of leaders or rulers would describe their rank and organization.
So the word “principalities” tells us that the Satanic kingdom is highly organized.
Second, we are told that our warfare is against powers.
The Greek word translated “powers” is exousias.
This word is translated as “authorities.”
This word tells us that the demons who are placed over various areas or territories are given
authority to carry out whatever orders have been assigned.
The Christian shouldn’t be discouraged to learn that those that we face have been given
authority, for the believer has even greater authority.
We have the authority of the name of Jesus.
Third, we learn that we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
The word in Greek for “world rulers” is kosmokratoras.
The word can be translated “lords of the world” or “princes of this age.”
This designation of the enemy emphasizes his intention to control.Satan is referred to in scripture as “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4).
Jesus declared that the strong man’s armour was taken away from him.
This means that Satan is made completely defenseless.
The expression “all his armour” is the Greek word panoplia.
This word panoplia is used one other time in the New Testament.
In Ephesians 6:11 the Christian is encoyrsged to put on the whole armour of God.
The Christian is not vulnerable at any point while the devil is vulnerable at every point!
Fourth, scripture says that we wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The key to this phrase is the word “wickedness.”
The word suggests that which is highly injurious or destructive in character.
These evil powers have only one objective — wickedness.
They may appear as angels of light and by their deceptiveness draw many into their nets of
1 Timothy 4:1
Seven Steps To Deliverance
1. Honesty - Psalm 32:5, Psalm 139:23-24
2. Humility - James 4:6-7, James 5:16a
3. Repentance - Ezekiel 20:43, Amos 3:3
4. Renunciation - Matt. 3:7-8, Acts 19:18-19
5. Forgiveness - Matt. 6:14-156. Prayer - Joel 2:32
7. Warfare - Mark 16:17a, Luke 10:19, Psalm 18:2a
Seven Steps Of Purification
1. Present Yourself To The Lord For Him To Inspect - Psalm 139:23-24
2. Sanctify Yourself
3. Locate Offensive Items - the Lord will reveal them.
4. Get Rid of Them -
5. Take What Holy Spirit Says Serious
6. Renounce The Enemy, Idols and Any Association With Such -
7. Consecrate Your Life, Home And Property To The Glory Of The Lord
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